From tomorrow starts my week long Eid I prepare for my studies now. Okay so I currently have Pure maths, Physics, Chemistry, English Language, Art and Design and Computing for my AS. Hmm, interesting. I need to practice a lot of maths and finish off Chemistry, Computing and Physics syllabuses! This is going to be a heck of a month! I really have to get all A's in my Pre cambridge. I mean like how wacky is that, most of the teachers back at school think that I got 7 A's merely by a lucky chance or something (or 'merit' as one of them misplaced with luck, and actually said it all in such a way as if I didn't study at all and got away with just 'merit' and that is bad and that won't help me), what the heck! I prepared for my exams and I read my books. Just because I don't go to their shitty coaching centre doesn't mean that I don't study.
So yeah, I gotta get all A's not just to prove myself, but to kick all the wacky peoples butts and most importantly
to make my mother happy!So I had a nice lazy day at school which I spent talking with Ranika, Tzu, Sharky and Nabeela. Sharky is this cool kid I met just around last week and well today we finally got to actually talk properly with each other. She's awesom and so's Ranika. But its just too bad that Ranika and Sharky are leaving school, Sharky to university in Saudi and Ranika to college or something. So I dunno, two cool people are leaving school hu hu hu. So it'll be me and Tzu mostly and nabeela too perhaps. Nabeela, she's new in school, she's a nice enough kid.
But thankfully I can keep in touch with the two of them over the internet! Thank God for the internet. Yeah. I haven't posted any inspirational songs in are a handful:
1) New Divide - Linkin Park
2) Mesmerised - Lifehouse
3) Somewhere I belong - Linkin Park
4) Blaze - Kotoko
5) Sociometry - Kotoko
6) Joint - Mami Kawada
7) Triangle - Mami Kawada
8) Seemann - Apocalypyica
yeah. Lol, I got three artworks to do for Art and Design class, our teacher gave us homework for a 7-day vacation!?!? maan, not to mention I also have to complete the drawing I started today. That sums up to 4 artworks !! sheesh, darn it.
At any rate, I have to study chemistry, computing and practice writing. My hand feels rusty.
Anyhoo I'm scanning the stuffs from my art copy and will upload them as soon as possible.
that's all for now