Saturday, July 14, 2012

Picture doodles

Dayum wish I had a polaroid camera...and then I could prolly doodle all over random pictures of stuff he he.
Oh well. Someday I will have a polaroid camera..and then I shall picture spam all over my blog mwahahaha *runs*

Well it's been raining all day today..nice to see the all rainy atmosphere. And I went to have lunch with 2 of my friends today, been a while since I last saw em. So it was nice to catch up with em. And none of us brought we took these goofy shots with my friend's laptop's webcam heh. Hmm yeah was an interesting way to finish off the weekend.

Gotta run now

Friday, July 13, 2012

Blue city

Paper flying all over the place
New you are to this place
There are rabbits also acting with much grace
Which way to go?
Which way to go?
You wonder with a questioned look on your face

I wrote that up randomly just now he he 
Anyway so here's something I doodled's kinda random but was pretty fun. I did draw it pretty small though since it was a quicky doodle and Photoshop was a bit slow with this brush I made and I painted this with I guess I might enlarge it and paint over and stuff..but I kinda like it as it is.

This is something a bit random but here goes: If you feel happy suddenly..for no reason...then don't hold yourself back and just enjoy the moment. Take it all in and just feel happy even if for a scant few seconds..yeahh.

Welll it's pretty late, I better go sleep.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

River through the mountains

Well this was a bit of an experiment..was trying out a different style of painting environments..inspired by those cool environment concept art with all those sharp shapes and forms and textures integrated within em. Was pretty fun doing this. But I gotta do more of these so I can capture the fleeting images that pop up raindomly in my mind fast you know capture their essence? The mood and atmosphere and feel of it I guess..well I want to but I finish one painting and then I get distracted lol. Hmm me and my shitty ass laziness..sheesh. Anyway I'll try to paint more it quickies. Another problem of doing quickies more these days is that I find I get lazy about spending more time on a painting..I do have some stuff that I want to take my time with painting..but I tend to get too impatient over them. But I'll just keep at it anyway heh.

And this completes this edition of Moony's art dumppp..UNTIL NEXT TIME!

Well I gotsa ta run
See yaa


These are some quickie doodles I did. Dates are on the pictures...they're pretty random..and took from around 20minutes to an hour yeahh. But they were pretty fun to do XD Done in Photoshop with me intuos4 and textures from cgtextures .


Here's some stuff random I drew over the last couple of weeks: