Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lazy day

So here's something that I randomly scribbled while writing the last blog post..and it helped me relax and also push aside that nasty headache. I'll be working on this more tonight. Thinking of putting the kid on the grass blowing bubbles instead of sittin there..hmm.

I'm trying to draw more environments and scenes...I'm not good at em but I'm trying to draw em as best as I can. Hopefully I'll improve with practice. They ARE quite fun to do. Critiques and comments are always appreciated. Thanks.




Ah my mocks just finished today. And since my mum gave me a free day today I thought that I'll do cg stuff all day today..I started working on my katamari model in Maya..and messed up quite a bit. So then I started looking at some tutorials except my internet started acting up...then I thought I'd practice drawing a face facing the viewer..and after a few tries I stopped. THEY SUCKED SO BAD. And photoshop was lagging too. Sheesh I really need that processor+motherboard update. I'm feeling so uninspired right now, it's lame. Where did all my inspiration go? Even last night I was full to the brim with ideas..and now that I have a whole day to do as I please all my ideas just jumped outta the window. Just like that...And now I have a raging headache..geez I need some sleep. Slept for a few hours only last night..which wasn't  a big deal for me even early last year...but then after I got sick my parents made sure I didn't stay up late..and now that I'm starting to stay up late again, well let's just say I'm not used to it anymore. So can't stay up till 4-5am straight for many consecutive days just I could before.

I'm just a kid with all these big dreams...but sometimes I can't help but feel I'm going nowhere. Like I'm still stuck in the same step in the staircase of life and can't seem to climb onto the next step. I know I'm moving forwards..but well it's prolly my tired brain talking heh. When I think about what I did the last 2 years..or atleast 1.5 mind registers blank. Nothing. I did nothing these 2 years..nothing that can be considered an accomplishment. Just feel kinda sad thinking about that. But well it's no use feeling sad about it. Oh well, it's okay I'm back to my ol' confident and optimistic self ain't I? YOU BET! So it's no use moping around..ha ha after getting all this out I feel a lot better. It'll take me a while to be able to regain my drawing and creativity flow there'll prolly be a lotta rant posts like this, but I'll keep at it and do my best! HII YAAHH!

I'll take a break from my computer now and take a shower and nap a bit. Then I'll get crackin on that katamari model. And doodle stuff too. Heck yeah!

See ya

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


The wind is blowing and I'm sitting here in front of my computer..what am I doing? Nothing really..just listening to some music and doing nothing. And getting a bit of pondering done's like these last few days I really haven't done terms of getting stuff done. I dunno what's up with me, I just did nothing and grew kinda impatient over nothing as well. Been wandering around like some lost soul. Maybe cause last week I was so busy and now comparatively I'm not that busy. I know I should be..I should practice maths, work on that picture I started day before yesterday..but I didn't do much these two days. I was just waiting for something to come up..but I guess it'll take longer still. Maybe I shouldn't expect things to turn up super fast like a whirlwind. It's usually like this..when I'm expecting something it never seems to turn up..and just when I stop thinking about it, voila it's here! SO after resting and doing nothing for two days, it's time for me to move onwards and get stuff done so I won't feel so flippin bored and stuff. Which is strange since I usually don't feel bored at home..since I usually always find something to draw, play a game or read a book, etc etc.

Staying up for the last 3 nights has taken it's toll and I'm damn tired which is also contributing to this weird situation. Another thing is that I'm not getting much of a response for the sketchwalk which has been bugging me a bit since after last week's dissappointment, I was really looking forward to it this week. And the thought of it not taking place again sorta scares me...I don't know if anyone else looks forward to it as much as me. It's prolly the only chance for me to meet up with some friends, acquaintances and like minded people. The only times I used to be able to meet my friends was at school...and now that school ain't the same and I hardly go there and none of my friends are there too..the internet's the only way for me to keep in touch with em. And having been sick for a while and my internet acting up for a long time after my exams finished sorta severed my communication link somewhat. So this sketchwalk is not only super exciting to me because I get to meet a buncha folks who love to draw, but also because I get to meet some of my friends as well. I keep looking forward to it all week..the only day of the week I don't have gym and can go drawing stuff with some friends and folks. Anyway this time I'll make sure a few people are coming before I go to the sketchwalk. If no one's coming...oh well I'll just work on some cg stuff heh.

But what I'm trying to say is that, it's time for me to get up and keep moving forwards. Right after 2 days of doing nothing....Firstly I need to get a good bit of sleep tonight so that I don't feel so tired and groggy all day. Secondly, do a pure maths and statistics question paper a day. Thirdly finish that professor layton picture I started..the progress of which so far can be seen here.

Other than that I has a good news. I FINALLY GOT MAYA AGAIN and I've started my 3D CG journey again after half arsing it for a few years now. I'm finding a lot easier this time round, prolly cause of the stuff I learned from my half-arsed tries. Nevertheless I'm gonna keep at it and well get that 3D animated short done by the end of this year. Since in my new years resolution for this year, instead of putting learn 3D stuff..I put make a 3D animated short by the end of this year. So yeah that's definitely pushing me since now I have a concrete target I'm aiming at. All those years of vaguely aiming at learning 3D stuff and getting lazy..sheesh. Not anymore! W000t!

Right so I was thinking of making this model of 'the prince' from Katamari. I guess nothing's better than starting a project to teach ya yeah. And I chose the prince since well it's a relatively simple model. If I can model him succesfully then I'll try to model a buncha cousins and perhaps make a full 3D image outta that. Well wish me luck. This is one heck of a large blog post, but I'm glad I wrote this. I can move on now.

Well I gots ta go now!

Friday, February 10, 2012

"Good to see you, you are my rolling star"

This song is so awesome. Makes me want to play Katamari even more. Ah how I wish I had a ps2 or even had my psx2 configured. Dammmiiit, must work on that once my exams are done! How I miss playing games. Oh well.

On other news, last week's sketchwalk was pretty awesome. This week no one Oh well. Yeah the 10am timing seems to be a bit of a problem so I'll have to change it. And promote it some more muahaha. Anyway I gots ta go study properly.
See ya

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Right so I just thought I'd practice drawing a face profile..since I fail at em so far. And aside from this I haven't drawn anything. I just cleaned my camera memory and stuff so I could take pichhars in tomorrow's sketchwalk.

To be honest I'm really excited and nervous about this. Excited because it's a really fun event and I get to meet with some of my friends from GRAFA and...well a few anyway. But mostly because I'll get to meet with other like minded people and sketch and talk with them and stuff. I like staying in my room and all..but I haven't been able to talk with my friends much recently since being sick it hasn't been possible for me to come online and stuff much since the beginning of the year. But I ish better now so I guess I should go out and get some fresh air...well if ya can get 'fresh' air in Dhaka XD At any rate I've missed all the GRAFA adda's (meet-ups) aside from the third one..and thinking about how awesome it was meeting with em awesome folks from GRAFA, though I only talked with Zubuyer (who ish ma buddy and bro and a super talented artist) and Sabya Bhai (maaad skills and a super nice person)..and around the end Emu bhai(awesome cg artist and another awesome person) ..but it was still awesome. I really want to attend the sketchwalk event.

But here's why I'm sorta nervous about this. I'm a terrible shy person in real life. LIKE REALLY. It's quite tough for me to start conversations with folks I dunno. When I know people, well I'm very talkative and friendly and stuff..but when I don't know them..yeah I hardly know how to start a conversation. I don't have any trouble with communicating with unknown people over the internet or phone..but it's face to face conversation that I kinda dread. So I can really relate with Neeka. Okay I'm not scared of people like her..but I usually tend to find ways out of having to talk with unknown people. Though if I've already known someone from the internet, then I don't have much trouble talking with em. I'm just a bit socially awkward. That's another reason why I always dreaded having to go to music school to learn to sing..since then I'd have to sing in fronta people..which is why I left. Though I wouldn't mind playing instruments heh. Yeah I'm weird like that. Anyway, so while I know Zubuyer will be coming along, I'm not sure about anyone else. One thing I know is quite a few people I don't know will be coming. So it's like this challenge for me ffffffff. Which is why I ish nervous..being the one initiating the event, I really don't know what to say to them. I even tried practicing a speech uhhhh. So I dunno, kinda nervous heh. But it's okay! I can do this! *hufff* I'll just think they're all pineapple people and then somehow talk. Like Zubuyer said..they ain't gonna roast me and eat me up..YEAHH. And if people just start talking to me automatically it'll be loads easier XD

Oh well at any rate. I really want to meet more like minded folks and sketch with em. Yeahh.
I'll do my effin best! God knows I need to improve my communication skills. And make this sketchwalk work out!

Now I gotta decide which markers and pens to put in my pencil case...hmm.
Oh well
Take care

P.s- the new blogger interface is pretty neat..especially the one for composing the blog post.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Guess who hasn't updated in a while..seriously I need to be less lazy *kicks self*
Anyway so my AS retake results came out..not so good but better than last time. Though now if I want to get even average grades (Bs) in my A2 then I gotta study my arse off and I mean seriously study my arse off. I've been a bit sick (headaches and what not) but I ish better now. Well I has some good news..well firstly we ish going to have a sketchwalk event here in Bangladesh!!! How cool is that? All those days of staring at sketchwalk/crawl photos of artists from other artists hoping that someday we'd have some kinda event like that here. So GRAFA is going have a sketchwalk event this Friday. I just suggested it and Zubuyer dude said that I should initiate it and well now we can has a sketchwalk. Man, that kid he's damn inspiring and he's pushed a lazy and shy kid like me into doing this. Yeah XDD

I sure hope I can manage to talk with everyone inspite of me being super shy in real life. I'm not that shy when I know someone..but believe me it's really tough for me to start a conversation with someone I don't know. Oh well.

And ze other good news is that I now has an older brother. No no it's not like I suddenly found out that my mum gave birth to another son before me and stuff...but it's more like I has found the older brother that I never had. And I'm really grateful for that. Being the oldest kid in my family I never had an older yeahh. Means a lot to me. Thankeee : )

ANOTHER GOOD NEWS...I HAS SONIC GENERATIONS NOW! And boy is that an awesome game or what. The gameplay is damn awesome...just one problem..MY COMPUTER...IT LAAAGS and terribly too. Which is surprising since my configuration is good enough to handle a game like this at full anti-aliasing @ 1920x1080. But even with no anti-aliasting and the resolution set to 1280X720 it's laggy. Sheesh I really need a new motherboard and processor. I gotta do well in my A-level exams and get that flippin upgrade! YEAH!

Yesh well that's about it for now.
Here's a doodle I did in Painter X just an hour or so ago:

It's a Kitsune! And about to drink coffee too. Yeah I really enjoyed doodling this..I don't think I doodled something like this in quite a while, and to be honest I quite missed it. And I really love doodling in Painter..especially since it didn't lag XD Man these days Photoshop CS5 AND CS3 both lags quite a bit..which is really sad since I love drawing in Photoshop. And even SAI lags....okay everything lags u_u it feels terrible when that happens. At any rate though I'm glad I doodled this. I was listening to awesome music and I guess I was in what you call "the zone". I don't think I've been in the zone since summer 2010. Because it was just music and me and my tablet and painter. It was damn awesome.

That's about it for updates now