Wednesday, February 15, 2012


The wind is blowing and I'm sitting here in front of my computer..what am I doing? Nothing really..just listening to some music and doing nothing. And getting a bit of pondering done's like these last few days I really haven't done terms of getting stuff done. I dunno what's up with me, I just did nothing and grew kinda impatient over nothing as well. Been wandering around like some lost soul. Maybe cause last week I was so busy and now comparatively I'm not that busy. I know I should be..I should practice maths, work on that picture I started day before yesterday..but I didn't do much these two days. I was just waiting for something to come up..but I guess it'll take longer still. Maybe I shouldn't expect things to turn up super fast like a whirlwind. It's usually like this..when I'm expecting something it never seems to turn up..and just when I stop thinking about it, voila it's here! SO after resting and doing nothing for two days, it's time for me to move onwards and get stuff done so I won't feel so flippin bored and stuff. Which is strange since I usually don't feel bored at home..since I usually always find something to draw, play a game or read a book, etc etc.

Staying up for the last 3 nights has taken it's toll and I'm damn tired which is also contributing to this weird situation. Another thing is that I'm not getting much of a response for the sketchwalk which has been bugging me a bit since after last week's dissappointment, I was really looking forward to it this week. And the thought of it not taking place again sorta scares me...I don't know if anyone else looks forward to it as much as me. It's prolly the only chance for me to meet up with some friends, acquaintances and like minded people. The only times I used to be able to meet my friends was at school...and now that school ain't the same and I hardly go there and none of my friends are there too..the internet's the only way for me to keep in touch with em. And having been sick for a while and my internet acting up for a long time after my exams finished sorta severed my communication link somewhat. So this sketchwalk is not only super exciting to me because I get to meet a buncha folks who love to draw, but also because I get to meet some of my friends as well. I keep looking forward to it all week..the only day of the week I don't have gym and can go drawing stuff with some friends and folks. Anyway this time I'll make sure a few people are coming before I go to the sketchwalk. If no one's coming...oh well I'll just work on some cg stuff heh.

But what I'm trying to say is that, it's time for me to get up and keep moving forwards. Right after 2 days of doing nothing....Firstly I need to get a good bit of sleep tonight so that I don't feel so tired and groggy all day. Secondly, do a pure maths and statistics question paper a day. Thirdly finish that professor layton picture I started..the progress of which so far can be seen here.

Other than that I has a good news. I FINALLY GOT MAYA AGAIN and I've started my 3D CG journey again after half arsing it for a few years now. I'm finding a lot easier this time round, prolly cause of the stuff I learned from my half-arsed tries. Nevertheless I'm gonna keep at it and well get that 3D animated short done by the end of this year. Since in my new years resolution for this year, instead of putting learn 3D stuff..I put make a 3D animated short by the end of this year. So yeah that's definitely pushing me since now I have a concrete target I'm aiming at. All those years of vaguely aiming at learning 3D stuff and getting lazy..sheesh. Not anymore! W000t!

Right so I was thinking of making this model of 'the prince' from Katamari. I guess nothing's better than starting a project to teach ya yeah. And I chose the prince since well it's a relatively simple model. If I can model him succesfully then I'll try to model a buncha cousins and perhaps make a full 3D image outta that. Well wish me luck. This is one heck of a large blog post, but I'm glad I wrote this. I can move on now.

Well I gots ta go now!

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