Guess who hasn't updated in a while..seriously I need to be less lazy *kicks self*
Anyway so my AS retake results came out..not so good but better than last time. Though now if I want to get even average grades (Bs) in my A2 then I gotta study my arse off and I mean seriously study my arse off. I've been a bit sick (headaches and what not) but I ish better now. Well I has some good news..well firstly we ish going to have a sketchwalk event here in Bangladesh!!! How cool is that? All those days of staring at sketchwalk/crawl photos of artists from other artists hoping that someday we'd have some kinda event like that here. So GRAFA is going have a sketchwalk event this Friday. I just suggested it and Zubuyer dude said that I should initiate it and well now we can has a sketchwalk. Man, that kid he's damn inspiring and he's pushed a lazy and shy kid like me into doing this. Yeah XDD
I sure hope I can manage to talk with everyone inspite of me being super shy in real life. I'm not that shy when I know someone..but believe me it's really tough for me to start a conversation with someone I don't know. Oh well.
And ze other good news is that I now has an older brother. No no it's not like I suddenly found out that my mum gave birth to another son before me and stuff...but it's more like I has found the older brother that I never had. And I'm really grateful for that. Being the oldest kid in my family I never had an older yeahh. Means a lot to me. Thankeee : )
ANOTHER GOOD NEWS...I HAS SONIC GENERATIONS NOW! And boy is that an awesome game or what. The gameplay is damn awesome...just one problem..MY COMPUTER...IT LAAAGS and terribly too. Which is surprising since my configuration is good enough to handle a game like this at full anti-aliasing @ 1920x1080. But even with no anti-aliasting and the resolution set to 1280X720 it's laggy. Sheesh I really need a new motherboard and processor. I gotta do well in my A-level exams and get that flippin upgrade! YEAH!
Yesh well that's about it for now.
Here's a doodle I did in Painter X just an hour or so ago:

It's a Kitsune! And about to drink coffee too. Yeah I really enjoyed doodling this..I don't think I doodled something like this in quite a while, and to be honest I quite missed it. And I really love doodling in Painter..especially since it didn't lag XD Man these days Photoshop CS5 AND CS3 both lags quite a bit..which is really sad since I love drawing in Photoshop. And even SAI lags....okay everything lags u_u it feels terrible when that happens. At any rate though I'm glad I doodled this. I was listening to awesome music and I guess I was in what you call "the zone". I don't think I've been in the zone since summer 2010. Because it was just music and me and my tablet and painter. It was damn awesome.
That's about it for updates now
Anyway so my AS retake results came out..not so good but better than last time. Though now if I want to get even average grades (Bs) in my A2 then I gotta study my arse off and I mean seriously study my arse off. I've been a bit sick (headaches and what not) but I ish better now. Well I has some good news..well firstly we ish going to have a sketchwalk event here in Bangladesh!!! How cool is that? All those days of staring at sketchwalk/crawl photos of artists from other artists hoping that someday we'd have some kinda event like that here. So GRAFA is going have a sketchwalk event this Friday. I just suggested it and Zubuyer dude said that I should initiate it and well now we can has a sketchwalk. Man, that kid he's damn inspiring and he's pushed a lazy and shy kid like me into doing this. Yeah XDD
I sure hope I can manage to talk with everyone inspite of me being super shy in real life. I'm not that shy when I know someone..but believe me it's really tough for me to start a conversation with someone I don't know. Oh well.
And ze other good news is that I now has an older brother. No no it's not like I suddenly found out that my mum gave birth to another son before me and stuff...but it's more like I has found the older brother that I never had. And I'm really grateful for that. Being the oldest kid in my family I never had an older yeahh. Means a lot to me. Thankeee : )
ANOTHER GOOD NEWS...I HAS SONIC GENERATIONS NOW! And boy is that an awesome game or what. The gameplay is damn awesome...just one problem..MY COMPUTER...IT LAAAGS and terribly too. Which is surprising since my configuration is good enough to handle a game like this at full anti-aliasing @ 1920x1080. But even with no anti-aliasting and the resolution set to 1280X720 it's laggy. Sheesh I really need a new motherboard and processor. I gotta do well in my A-level exams and get that flippin upgrade! YEAH!
Yesh well that's about it for now.
Here's a doodle I did in Painter X just an hour or so ago:

It's a Kitsune! And about to drink coffee too. Yeah I really enjoyed doodling this..I don't think I doodled something like this in quite a while, and to be honest I quite missed it. And I really love doodling in Painter..especially since it didn't lag XD Man these days Photoshop CS5 AND CS3 both lags quite a bit..which is really sad since I love drawing in Photoshop. And even SAI lags....okay everything lags u_u it feels terrible when that happens. At any rate though I'm glad I doodled this. I was listening to awesome music and I guess I was in what you call "the zone". I don't think I've been in the zone since summer 2010. Because it was just music and me and my tablet and painter. It was damn awesome.
That's about it for updates now
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