Saturday, October 17, 2009

Computer upgrade!

I got 4 gigs of RAM as I said in a previous post aaand a new Nvidia GeForce 9600GT!!
Its soo much fun playing games now and my computer's faster, so it works. My computer got back last Friday, but well didn't have inter net for a while and after my connection was fixed I got too lazy. It's my chemistry class test tomorrow..woo.. I gotta finish studying it.

Here's an wip of a picture that I started long ago, but abandoned, but took it up a few weeks ago and currently looks like this:
Here's something I did just now as I was writing this blog entry. Painter X rule's my world just like Painter IX used to do two years back. Aaand, I've started reading heidi again and its inspiring me and I'm getting my flow back again:DI loove heidi.

Okay I gotta study chemistry.

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