Oh well, I haven't drawn in a while now, but yesterday I drew something as an advanced mother's day gift. My mum's sick and she's in the hospital again, I hope she gets well soon. The house feels empty without her even though my aunt and my grandma and everyone else is here..still.I miss her >__<
These days I feel that my sense of date and time has warped, like this Saturday was May day and my aunts birthday. I didn't realise it was May day and her birthday since I thought it had already passed and even though I knew it was the first of May I didn't really relate it to her birthday and stuff, so you get me. Its like I feel that more time has passed than it really did and sometimes I find myself lost (?) yeah...weird eh. It's probably because of my exams, my mind keeps wandering around that one thought. Well whatever, I have to get all A's this time! Hyaah! And get that awesome X-box 360, and psp or a sony e-book reader...something :3 but most importantly make mym Happy!
So the other day I was browsing Sudoru's deviantart gallery and uh I came across these drawings she did for her mother on mother's day and I realised that I haven't drawn anything for my mother for mother's day in the last two years ;_; If it weren't for her I wouldn't even exist! So I thought, shit, I gotta draw something this time...but as I mentioned earlier..for some strange reason I thought that mother's day had already passed...can you believe it and then yesterday when I happened to chance upon lulu.com and so this banner that said that mother's day is on the 9th and make something special bla bla...but that jerked me to my senses...lolwhut, mother's day is on the 9th! Shit man I gotta go make something for mum...so I paused my drawing hiatus and drew something..and it took me an hour to come up with something to draw...the drawing didn't take long to do though, but its usually like this. It takes me ages to come up with something and in the end, my idea doesn't really get portrayed the way I want to and I end up feeling depressed and bitter. Whooo, but well I hope to change that after my exams are over. But now, my main concern is my AS level exams. So yeah, I don't even feel like drawing anything, I won't be drawing anything until my exams are over. It's better that way, I can fully concentrate on my studies and keep my mind clear from those silly bouts of depression caused by my inability to draw properly or express stuff the way I want to and etc etc.
I'm actually an optimistic person, but a lot of stuff has happened in the last couple of years and well I find myself surrounded by these negative thoughts...well I'm fighting them, so to anyone who reads this, don't let them get to you! Ignore them, think positive, and no matter what happens don't worry, because worrying never helps, it only makes things worse. And always be confident, just confident mind, never over confident and never under confident and believe in yourself and trust your true instincts. :3
Ah since I don't have any new drawings to show, here are some old stuff(click to fullview) :

A drawing of Makoto from "The girl who leapt through time". I did this like midway through March after watching the movie again. Really cool movie there. I think I'd like to colour this, but I like the sketchy version too.

And this is a random drawing I did in paintchat, only I was the only person there I just painted XD Did this in early april...when I still hadn't finished my computing coursework.
I'm not posting the mother's day pic yet, I'll post it on mother's day! I've realised that I'm more productive in photoshop than in SAI, usually I end up drawing nothing in SAI and then I go to photoshop. SAI is really nice, but I love Photoshop the best anyway, I just do and then comes my darlin painter + opencanvas and then SAIaiai XD. Oh well more on that later. For now, I has to go, take a shower and eat some lunch over K-ON episode 4! Yeah, I'm slow, but I don't care! I also started watching DURARARA!! and its awesome ..enough said.
P.s- Long post is long
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