Hmmph, my art exam's finished and well now I gotta start working on my computing and later my art and design coursework.. My art exam..well first art exam in like 7 years. Yeah, that long. I don't practice art much so I cooked up a random drawing of a living room since that was one of the questions...but the paper was soo thin that the watercolours made it go all flappy D: and an hour and a half isn't really enough. Today though I drew this girl staring at her reflection in a rain puddle (referenced and inspired from yotsubato! chap 7 cover) and well I'm kinda happy with how it turned out. And it was fun doing that too.. Well I was practicing the pose from that cover last night and well today when I saw the question..(we could draw whatever we wanted) I thought I'd just draw that. Lucky I practiced.
Tzu got her tablet today, its a small wacom intuos 4 and it looks kinda cute :3. And here're some photos of my one.
So now I should start working on my computing coursework. Planning, programming, evaluation, testing. Yep. All that. Documentaion. In like what three days? Darn. Mum says that she won't allow me to work on it after the month's over! And I have a chemistry test the day after tomorrow...and its on organic chemistry and I have to study for that.
Ah I've started reading Azumanga Daioh and I'm re-reading the thief lord. Fantastic book that. And my oh my is Azuma Kiyohiko awesome or what! His style is fantastic! And all his characters are soo epic. Heh, awesome artist mmhmm.
Well its veery late at night..and I gotta hit the sack.
So G'night all,
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