Sucks. Well I've finally decided to set some goals for myself to fulfill this year! \ But a few days ago I came across dominiquefung's journal : [link] . I never really posted my goals or even said them aloud much since I was kinda scared that I wouldn't be able to fulfill them.. And to tell you the truth after reading her journal I really made up my mind and thought what the heck! I shouldn't be sacred..aint a chicken. If I can't fulfill them at the mo then that only means that I should work harder to fulfill them!
So here they are:
1) Get ALL A's in my AS level exams. Get better at my studies and make my mum happy.
2) Learn to draw robots, awesome mechanical steam punk sci-fic fantasy stuff,
landscapes, clouds, characters in different poses. Cool stuff basically XD. 3D stuff
3) Make an animated short film.
4) Learn to write better. Aka, polish my writing skills. Write short stories regularly,
like one a week. Yeah, that oughtta kick my lazy clockwork self into activity.
5) Learn Japanese properly.
6) Enter a drawing into the EXPOSÉ 8 call for entries. Just for the sake of entering
and drawing something good in the process.
7) Kick some wacky kids' butts.
8) Start learning programming.
9) Play more cool games :lol: .
10) Be a strongwilled brave and cool kid! And a better person in general XDDD
And wow I loove my tablet soo much. My mocks are going on, but I try to draw whenever I get back from school. Tomorrow's the chemistry practical exam. The other exams were well....I dunno. I had hope that my mock 1 exams would be awesome. They aren't exactly that. Hmmph, hell the important fact is that I'm getting better at my studies. And I'll revise and stuff after the mock 1 exams are over. After tomorrow I've only got computing left and yeah, which is on the I got a bit of a break in between.
Sho, I play the witcher! Hells yeah!
I started painting this right after I got back from school this sunday ( aka valentines day, happy * day all). These days after I get back from school, I open my shoes and run for my computer....I painted it nonstop for 1 and a half hours and then I stopped...haven't touched it since. Its still a wip though, not at all complete. Hopefully I'll complete it on the are some of the steps:

Rough sketch with the hard round brush. Pretty random really...came from the want to get better at doing landscapes and from this pencil colour drawing I did...will post it when I find it. It was my first landscape drawing in years as is this..

Randomly painting the colours on a multiply layer above the lines. Trying out different shades.

Adding shades and more colours on a normal layer above the multiply layer with this customized brush of mine and later the airbrush opacity flow brush.

And another new layer..working on the clouds..adjusting the castles and basically clarifying and cleaning the details. yep. Click the images to full view. The tiny thumbs that my blog layout turns these pics into, doesn't do all them details justice >.<
That's all for now.
See ya
G'night all
Plus I'm in love with Asian Kungfu Generation and Ikimono Gakari...two awesome bands! Also I started reading fairy tail..sooo cool
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