Whoo I haven't updated in a while now huh, oh well. My chemistry and physics practical exams are done and tomorrow's my chemistry paper 2 exam. My physics practical exam was okay, but my chemistry practical one, well to tell you the truth it was kinda weird. I mean I friggin ran outta time! Urgh, well anyway I can't be arsed to think about that. I've been watching Bobby Chiu's painting videos and podcasts these days and they're really awesome. Not just artwork-wise, but also because Bobby usually talks about stuff while he paints and his words are very inspiring and motivating. Especially for a kid like me, whose been in the depression dumps for quite a while now. Seriously worrying about stuff never helps. So I'm gonna believe that I'll do really well tomorrow and that's definitely better than worrying. Whatever, last year thanks to worrying I got a B in my maths O-level. Well not anymore! I have to and so I will get all A's in my AS level exams, because I really really want to. So tomorrow I gotta get out there and kick those wacky kids' butts...I mean I'll give it my best shot in my chemistry exam. Wish me luck all!
I have to go to bed now,
Good night
P.s- I have three more exams left, including tomorrows and my exams finish on the 10th of June : )
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Physics Paper 1 and mechanics exam tomorrow :D
So yeah, my computing paper-12 exam is done. It was okay, though I can't believe I couldn't finish the last bit of the last question. It was an algorithm and I only had a few lines more to write :\ Buuut, I'm not gonna let that get to me. The exam was okay and worrying about it wont help at all. It's not like worrying about its gonna get me better grades and stuff. Oh well. Whatever. I'll give it my best shot and be fast in all my other exams.
Tomorrow is my Physics paper-1 and mechanics exam and I just finished revising physics. I really love physics and I hope that I'll be able to get an A in physics in my AS level exams with really good marks. Like full marks. Yeah, laugh at me if you wish, but I don't care. I believe I can do it so I will. Yeah! :D Gotta kick those wacky kids' butts! Yeah!
Mechanics too, I understand it much better now. I have to give it my best shot. Gotta get all A's in all my AS level exams this time, last time I got 7A's and 2B's in my O-level exams. Which was good, but this time I have to do better... Because I want to..and I believe I can, so I know I will..Yeah :) I didn't put it in my new years resolutions list for nothing you know, I will fulfill all my new years resolutions for this year, of course within this year. Yeah!
Awesome song by Do As Infinity. It's called Hi no Ataru Sakamichi. The video's really cool too.
Wish me luck,
Gotta hit the sack now,
G'night all
Tomorrow is my Physics paper-1 and mechanics exam and I just finished revising physics. I really love physics and I hope that I'll be able to get an A in physics in my AS level exams with really good marks. Like full marks. Yeah, laugh at me if you wish, but I don't care. I believe I can do it so I will. Yeah! :D Gotta kick those wacky kids' butts! Yeah!
Mechanics too, I understand it much better now. I have to give it my best shot. Gotta get all A's in all my AS level exams this time, last time I got 7A's and 2B's in my O-level exams. Which was good, but this time I have to do better... Because I want to..and I believe I can, so I know I will..Yeah :) I didn't put it in my new years resolutions list for nothing you know, I will fulfill all my new years resolutions for this year, of course within this year. Yeah!
Awesome song by Do As Infinity. It's called Hi no Ataru Sakamichi. The video's really cool too.
Wish me luck,
Gotta hit the sack now,
G'night all
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!

Today is mother's day and this is the picture I drew a week ago for my mother and good thing too...my mother bought me a really nice card and a box of chocolates o_O
In Bangla, parents often call their children "ma, ammu,or baba". The first two means mother or mum and the last one means dad or father, you get the idea. So in that sense my mum says that I'm her mother XDDD Lol. But anyway, the power went out around at 11:30 pm, so I couldn't print my picture..I was so pissed off, because everyone had something to give to their mother (my brother made a card for mum and my cousin eva bought this present and decorated the wall for her mother)and I didn't have my picture...the picture that I had made in advance so that I'd be able to give something to mum this year. Which by the way reminds me, that opposed to what I wrote a few posts ago, I actually made cards for my mum last year and I think the year before as well, simple yes, but I did make something. I just remembered today X_X Weird.
Yeah and then I felt so embarrassed when my mum came in with the packet containing the card an all..And then the power came back at around 1..yeah and then I quickly turned my computer on and went to photoshop, but oddly enough my printer wouldn't print from photoshop and then I went and printed it from the default windows image printing thingy. And then it worked and then I gave it to my mother. She said she really liked it. Its not that good really, but I'm glad that she likes it.
And hey I added a plurk widget, which if I may say, I joined last year late in June, urged by Tzu who joined around that time..but I haven't really been active there. But I just went there on a whim the other day and found is pretty neat. I customized the CSS a bit with my image, not that I know any CSS..just added the links and stuff and I think I'll tinker around with the layout later. Darn I killed the whole night doing that. Which sucks. :\
Since I have my AS level pure maths exam on the 12th. No more procrastinating :|
Before hitting the sack for the night, I'd like to wish every mother a very Happy Mother's Day and Kudos!
Aaaand, awesome music! Gosh I haven't written any in ages, but here are some jems I have discovered recently:
Sora no Kakera by Ayako Ikeda
Prism by Ayako Ikeda
Cherish by Ai Otsuka
Futari by Matsushita Yuya
Uragiri no Yuuyake by Theatre Brook
Mirai wo Ima by Theatre Brook
Also the spirited away sound track is awesome, go Joe Hisaishi! Can't wait till Ghibli releases Karigurashi no Arrietty, the teaser looks amazing and the music is really interesting, its Celtic :D
Youtube has some interesting comments with interesting tidbits of info floating around, you could check them out.
This song is called "Arrietty's Song".
Cécile Corbel is composing the music this time, and her style is really interesting and she sings in Japanese pretty well, especially considering the fact that she's from Brittany....I think, well she's french anyway. Plus her voice is amazing, the theme song she sang and composed, is amazing..AMAZING! Though I wonder why Joe Hisaishi isn't doing the job this time. Either ways, it seems neat. :o
Yeah, okay then, I gotta go sleep now.
Good night all,
Friday, May 7, 2010
Art Exam done
Yeah so today I finished my art exam, took around 9 hours I believe and I think it went okay. I tried my best to detail it as much as I could and I can't be bothered to worry. Worrying never helps, nor does it make anything better. And hey I had fun drawing the whole thing and I hope the folks at CIE can like it :D
So that's one subject done, 4 more subjects to go, i.e 9 more exams left. I have get all A's because I really really want to and I believe I can and so I will get em Hyaah!
Next up is maths on the 12th and I gotta practice maths, I have to get an A in maths this time. So yeah,I'll be off to bed now. Wish me luck!
So that's one subject done, 4 more subjects to go, i.e 9 more exams left. I have get all A's because I really really want to and I believe I can and so I will get em Hyaah!
Next up is maths on the 12th and I gotta practice maths, I have to get an A in maths this time. So yeah,I'll be off to bed now. Wish me luck!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Half of art exam over..
Yeah, so today I sat for the first 5 hours of my art exam, which has a total duration of 15 hours, lasting for three days, with 5 hours each day. Candidates who can finish early can leave early and I finished almost half of my picture. Its the whole lineart process that took like 3 and a half hours. Like first I sketched the perspective lines, and then with my scale adjusted the basic proportions of the chair that I was going to draw... O_o The first time I actually used perspective and a scale to draw stuff out XD Interesting experience. So yeah then I sketched everything very roughly. And then added details with my mechanical pencil and kept fixing stuff....kinda reminded me of digital art yeah. And then I started rubbing bits of the sketch and doing clean lines over them...and then once that was done I had a nice and cleanly lined picture. So then I proceeded onto add the base watercolour wash. But then time ran out and so tomorrow I'll be working on finishing the base colours and then fix it all up, add details and stuff with my pencil colours. I could used pencil colours directly, but it'd take too much time, plus since I was using pencils, if I used colour pencils directly, they kinda get smudged with the pencils and the picture gets dirty >_> So I feel a layer of flat and light watercolour washes can keep the lines intact and makes it easier to detail with coloured pencils later. Plus I love watercolours and coloured pencils, so had to use em eh.
I would've inked, but that'd make the whole image look bolder...and it wouldn't have the softer look I'm going for. Darn I seriously wish I could take photos of the process or just the image itself...but its an exam dammit. I hope CIE will return our artworks :D So then I'll get to see my picture again.
Ah I gotta go now. I really want to make this picture turn out the way I want to and so for that reason I will! I don't care whether the art teacher at my school likes it or not, I want to make it so, that if my mum were to see it, she'd like it very much and if anyone else were to see it, they'd feel the atmosphere.
Eh,wish me luck all! Gotta get em all A's!
I would've inked, but that'd make the whole image look bolder...and it wouldn't have the softer look I'm going for. Darn I seriously wish I could take photos of the process or just the image itself...but its an exam dammit. I hope CIE will return our artworks :D So then I'll get to see my picture again.
Ah I gotta go now. I really want to make this picture turn out the way I want to and so for that reason I will! I don't care whether the art teacher at my school likes it or not, I want to make it so, that if my mum were to see it, she'd like it very much and if anyone else were to see it, they'd feel the atmosphere.
Eh,wish me luck all! Gotta get em all A's!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Warped sense of time •__• eh
Yoss! I finally finished reading through the stikcy gooey stuff that the whole organic chemistry syllabus covers and making notes..darn that took a while, but I survived! And I'm also happy that I now understand this whole thing. Phew aaand now I has to study physics, more chemistry, practice maaths and read computing. Yeah :B
Oh well, I haven't drawn in a while now, but yesterday I drew something as an advanced mother's day gift. My mum's sick and she's in the hospital again, I hope she gets well soon. The house feels empty without her even though my aunt and my grandma and everyone else is here..still.I miss her >__<
These days I feel that my sense of date and time has warped, like this Saturday was May day and my aunts birthday. I didn't realise it was May day and her birthday since I thought it had already passed and even though I knew it was the first of May I didn't really relate it to her birthday and stuff, so you get me. Its like I feel that more time has passed than it really did and sometimes I find myself lost (?) yeah...weird eh. It's probably because of my exams, my mind keeps wandering around that one thought. Well whatever, I have to get all A's this time! Hyaah! And get that awesome X-box 360, and psp or a sony e-book reader...something :3 but most importantly make mym Happy!
So the other day I was browsing Sudoru's deviantart gallery and uh I came across these drawings she did for her mother on mother's day and I realised that I haven't drawn anything for my mother for mother's day in the last two years ;_; If it weren't for her I wouldn't even exist! So I thought, shit, I gotta draw something this time...but as I mentioned earlier..for some strange reason I thought that mother's day had already passed...can you believe it and then yesterday when I happened to chance upon lulu.com and so this banner that said that mother's day is on the 9th and make something special bla bla...but that jerked me to my senses...lolwhut, mother's day is on the 9th! Shit man I gotta go make something for mum...so I paused my drawing hiatus and drew something..and it took me an hour to come up with something to draw...the drawing didn't take long to do though, but its usually like this. It takes me ages to come up with something and in the end, my idea doesn't really get portrayed the way I want to and I end up feeling depressed and bitter. Whooo, but well I hope to change that after my exams are over. But now, my main concern is my AS level exams. So yeah, I don't even feel like drawing anything, I won't be drawing anything until my exams are over. It's better that way, I can fully concentrate on my studies and keep my mind clear from those silly bouts of depression caused by my inability to draw properly or express stuff the way I want to and etc etc.
I'm actually an optimistic person, but a lot of stuff has happened in the last couple of years and well I find myself surrounded by these negative thoughts...well I'm fighting them, so to anyone who reads this, don't let them get to you! Ignore them, think positive, and no matter what happens don't worry, because worrying never helps, it only makes things worse. And always be confident, just confident mind, never over confident and never under confident and believe in yourself and trust your true instincts. :3
Ah since I don't have any new drawings to show, here are some old stuff(click to fullview) :

A drawing of Makoto from "The girl who leapt through time". I did this like midway through March after watching the movie again. Really cool movie there. I think I'd like to colour this, but I like the sketchy version too.

And this is a random drawing I did in paintchat, only I was the only person there I just painted XD Did this in early april...when I still hadn't finished my computing coursework.
I'm not posting the mother's day pic yet, I'll post it on mother's day! I've realised that I'm more productive in photoshop than in SAI, usually I end up drawing nothing in SAI and then I go to photoshop. SAI is really nice, but I love Photoshop the best anyway, I just do and then comes my darlin painter + opencanvas and then SAIaiai XD. Oh well more on that later. For now, I has to go, take a shower and eat some lunch over K-ON episode 4! Yeah, I'm slow, but I don't care! I also started watching DURARARA!! and its awesome ..enough said.
P.s- Long post is long
Oh well, I haven't drawn in a while now, but yesterday I drew something as an advanced mother's day gift. My mum's sick and she's in the hospital again, I hope she gets well soon. The house feels empty without her even though my aunt and my grandma and everyone else is here..still.I miss her >__<
These days I feel that my sense of date and time has warped, like this Saturday was May day and my aunts birthday. I didn't realise it was May day and her birthday since I thought it had already passed and even though I knew it was the first of May I didn't really relate it to her birthday and stuff, so you get me. Its like I feel that more time has passed than it really did and sometimes I find myself lost (?) yeah...weird eh. It's probably because of my exams, my mind keeps wandering around that one thought. Well whatever, I have to get all A's this time! Hyaah! And get that awesome X-box 360, and psp or a sony e-book reader...something :3 but most importantly make mym Happy!
So the other day I was browsing Sudoru's deviantart gallery and uh I came across these drawings she did for her mother on mother's day and I realised that I haven't drawn anything for my mother for mother's day in the last two years ;_; If it weren't for her I wouldn't even exist! So I thought, shit, I gotta draw something this time...but as I mentioned earlier..for some strange reason I thought that mother's day had already passed...can you believe it and then yesterday when I happened to chance upon lulu.com and so this banner that said that mother's day is on the 9th and make something special bla bla...but that jerked me to my senses...lolwhut, mother's day is on the 9th! Shit man I gotta go make something for mum...so I paused my drawing hiatus and drew something..and it took me an hour to come up with something to draw...the drawing didn't take long to do though, but its usually like this. It takes me ages to come up with something and in the end, my idea doesn't really get portrayed the way I want to and I end up feeling depressed and bitter. Whooo, but well I hope to change that after my exams are over. But now, my main concern is my AS level exams. So yeah, I don't even feel like drawing anything, I won't be drawing anything until my exams are over. It's better that way, I can fully concentrate on my studies and keep my mind clear from those silly bouts of depression caused by my inability to draw properly or express stuff the way I want to and etc etc.
I'm actually an optimistic person, but a lot of stuff has happened in the last couple of years and well I find myself surrounded by these negative thoughts...well I'm fighting them, so to anyone who reads this, don't let them get to you! Ignore them, think positive, and no matter what happens don't worry, because worrying never helps, it only makes things worse. And always be confident, just confident mind, never over confident and never under confident and believe in yourself and trust your true instincts. :3
Ah since I don't have any new drawings to show, here are some old stuff(click to fullview) :

A drawing of Makoto from "The girl who leapt through time". I did this like midway through March after watching the movie again. Really cool movie there. I think I'd like to colour this, but I like the sketchy version too.

And this is a random drawing I did in paintchat, only I was the only person there I just painted XD Did this in early april...when I still hadn't finished my computing coursework.
I'm not posting the mother's day pic yet, I'll post it on mother's day! I've realised that I'm more productive in photoshop than in SAI, usually I end up drawing nothing in SAI and then I go to photoshop. SAI is really nice, but I love Photoshop the best anyway, I just do and then comes my darlin painter + opencanvas and then SAIaiai XD. Oh well more on that later. For now, I has to go, take a shower and eat some lunch over K-ON episode 4! Yeah, I'm slow, but I don't care! I also started watching DURARARA!! and its awesome ..enough said.
P.s- Long post is long
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