And well I haven't been ab;e to draw much right, but now that I'm done doing the animation, I can finally go back to my normal lazy lifestyle :D, yayness. So I'll ne studying for my AS level exams and I'll try to draw whatever I can in between bouts of studying and stuff. And here's something random I drew:

I wanted to do a quick doodle to test how masking worked and well this happened, still don't get this masking thing much, but now I do understand how the quick mask mode works..nice...Oh I did this in Photoshop CS 3 and I use a mouse. Its ironic how before I didn't have the money to buy a tablet but opportunities to get one used flutter in now and then and now that my mum has the money to get me one, I can't seem to be finding any way to get my hands on a nice shiny wacom intuos 4...wacom tablets aren't available here D:, sucks doesn't it?..well whatever, I can wait
Tablettt..where are youuu? >.<
Okay then thats about it for now, wish me luck, pre cambridge results are probably going to be published tomorrow..yeah, have to get good grades. Oh and school's opening tomorrow too. Yeah.
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