Friday, April 6, 2012


Sup folks! Not that there's anyone reading my blog...or is there? Lol. Anyway so I moved to a new house a few days ago. It's pretty close to my school and my cousin's place. While I do miss my old house, I'm startin to feel more at home here. It's a pretty nice house, large with lotsa balconies. Cept my room's kinda small, but the nice bathroom and balcony makes up for it I guess. Haven't drawn much these few days since at first was busy packing and then didn't feel like doin much since everything is packed. That includes my computer, tablet, art supplies and all. Bought a new computah table since my old one was like nearly 12 years old o_o yeah really needed a new one. Hope it arrives soon..haven't used my com since last SUNDAY! Aaaargh! That's like a record. Times like this I really wish I had a flippin laptop. Ain't got one though. That's news heh ._. (Not)

So today it rained, quite a bit too. Finally! It was getting too flippin hot I tell ya. And I went grocery shopping in the rain with my little brother 8D last time I went outside to buy sth on a rainy day was last year during my Singapore trip. And me and my cousin went outside and my umbrella was acting up then. It did today too. Anyway it was nice walking in the rain. Rain brings along so much atmosphere.

Whoowee wouldja lookit the time. I'm starvin, time fer me to eat. There's that naish kimchi noodley waiting fer me. And mum's yummay khichuri.

Gotta run!
See ya.


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