So my school closed today and my offical summer vacation begins now. About time I'd say. I can't bear the kids in my class anymore, well a lot of them anyway. On a brighter note though, I've finally redesigned my blog and now hopefully it'll stay this way for a while now. It was fun, but I kinda got tired of trying to make the page scroll using different combinations of CSS codes =_= And then finally it worked. I think I might change the background for something more simpler and streamlined though. Yeah.. Let's see..let's see..
Well I do have a lot to say, but I don't feel like writing all that much now. I'll try to update my blog regularly, even if with nothing, but with doodles and stuff at the least. And wow blogger's got a cool new design feature. Naaice. And I can't believe that Argentina lost and then Uruguay and Germany lost >_> Nooo..Oh well, I'll support Spain then. But come on, Germanyy!
Aand I came across this
Awesome artist today and seriously speaking, his style is awesome..AWESOME! And very fresh and clean. flowy and neww...I don't know how to explain it, but its very cool and its one of my more favourite styles. Also he animates reaally really well..I miss flash :\ I think its about time I got it again. I want to animate and animating in photoshop, isn't what I feel like doing right now. When it comes to animations, I find animating with Flash much easier and friendlier...especially the timeline. Though I can't pan and zoom in Flash for some reason. Oh well, I suppose its because I just don't know how to do it...aside from trying to do it manually. I'm not sure if that's how the others do it though, since they all get their pan and zoom so smooth and mine looks really choppy. Oh well, I have After Effects, but I need to re-install I don't even know how to use it XD I should learn to use it anyhow. Enough rambling though.
Here are some stuff that I've drawn recently:

I was randomly doodling in OC 1.1 and then well I kept painting and this happened.

For my cousin's birthday, which was on the 23rd June, he's turning 4 this year. I miss you so much pie.

Random drawing in Photoshop CS 5.

A request from a friend, from 2 years I finally drew Po. I actually worked pretty hard on this, since I'm no good ar drawing animals. Oh well. Photoshop CS 5 with my intuos 4. For all the images above, the textures are from

Wiip and I'm trying to draw something that I want to draw that I generally can't draw..since if I never try, how will I ever get better? I've never really drawn someone in this pose and with these clothes and it'll be quite the experiment really. But hey you go gotta do whatcha gotta do. I have lots more to show, but its too late in the night now and I need to sleep. So yeah.
See ya,
Good night