Baad Pun, but today was my birthday and my parents got me a new phone. Guess which? That's right, its the Sony Ericsson Aino. Can you imagine what a big surprise that was? It was a GIGANTIC surprise..if that makes any sense. I mean my mum had been pestering me to pick a phone, but I couldn't since I couldn't choose a phone that was within the budget and available here XD Then my mum got annoyed and then she said that she was gonna buy me any phone she pleased..ofcourse I didn't mind anyway. Since I couldn't get my old phone back and I couldn't buy one of the phone I wouldn't mind buying since they weren't available here =_= So in the end, they bought me this awesome tastic phone that is pretty expensive 25K Yeah. Seriously, when my dad came to me and gave me that bag..I was definitely happy that they got me a new phone and I didn't quite know what to expect, but something told me that it probably wasn't the G705 and well as soon as I got the box out I was like "Holy Shit" XDD Seriously, I was SO effin surprised..I couldn't even believe my eyes. Well so I'm now a Sony Ericsson Aino owner. Its a great phone. Great for games, internet, music, etc etc. I can't thank my parents enough and my uncle. But most importantly Allah. Thank you Allah very very much.
Aand I also got the board game battleship from mum, and a sort of 8 colour crayon pen, ben10 water bottle, pokemon cards, chocolate, flowers and a pooh scale. My dad took us out to eat lunch at this great restaurant. We had this stuff
And it was really good, although a bit expensive. But very good nonetheless. The resaturant has a little "pond" like thingy..perhaps a pond, but the water level has decreased.
And to my great surprise (yes was a day full of funky surprises) there was a small branch of words n pages there. And my parents bought me a book as a gift.
Anyway, I gotta go now. Time to hit the sack for the night.
Take care all.
Good night
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