Monday, October 26, 2009

Leaves, flowers , clips and red curtains .


Clips on the railing of our balcony. Here's another shot:

This is a shot from inside my room. Yep we've got red curtains. Mum and uncle's choice . I would've chosen a cool blue, but then again I'm okay with em curtains.

These were taken a couple of months ago. I really love photography but didn't get around to post any until today. Well, I'll try to post em once in a while now.


Saturday, October 24, 2009


These a some random sketches I did yesterday, but kinda didn't get to upload it here. But there ya go. These are the most loose and random sketches that I can do, without them looking absolutely gibberish. Done with my pilot v5 pen and the black bits
in the glasses are filled with my v10 grip. Oh and the coloured doodle in the extreme right were done by Tzu the day before yesterday at school, when it was still a blank page. I just wrote the 'not's, violet and purple. Tzu wrote the 'not' after violet XD

Anyway these are mostly inspired by random stuffs around me, like my pooh mug, a pair of scissors, a picture of a bunch of bunnies on a pen, etc etc.

These were fun. I should like to do more. Usually I do these sorta loose sketches on the corners and sides of my school copies or notebooks, while writing stuff. I never get around to scan them since they're too minuscule and it'd take ages for me to scan every single page and then filter out the tiny drawings from them. I guess having a sketchbook legitimises their existence.


Also today I finally became a member of the British council library. Cool place to read that. There I found a copy of web designer magazine. Its really cool, all the designs and colours in the magazine is inspiring me to draw a proper header for my bog and draw some colourful or funky flowy graphic illustrations....need to learn how to use illustrator properly.

Ah well, that's all for today.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I found these small sketchbooks in boi bichitra recently, and I bought one of them. I didn't think that I'll be finding anything like this around here, and was thinking about asking my mum to take me to new market and then I found this. The paper's got a nice texture and its kinda strong. I haven't tried any watercolour on it yet, but I hope to. But I did put my inks to use, and I must say the ink didn't seep through the other side of the page under normal pressure. Here's something me and my friend Tzu drew in a free class today.

My friend Tzu, she drew the kid and the ladder and most of the stuff in the right side. I drew the clouds, the text, the checkers, inked the star that Tzu drew. She also drew the cute fishy, the balloon and clouds at the bottom by the ladder. I drew the sharpener, pencil. Tzu inked some of it and she drew the play button thingy. We drew it with my pilot V5 and V10 grips and with my rexgrip and Tzu's uniball 0.28 pens. This was fun. I love this sorta drawing style.

Here's a page of random drawings that I did today with the pens mentioned above. I love pilot and uniball pens. They're awesome, and not just the pens, the pencils they produce are awesome. :D

The green bottle is actually my water bottle and the lantern is really referenced from this lantern hanging from the ceiling of a balcony of this house I could see from our glass window. Our current classroom has the entire left side made up of blue glass which offers a great view of the trees and houses in block-B I think. So yeah. The drawings done in blue were done using Tzu's pilot 0.25 dark blue gel pen. Anyway, these were fun to do, I coloured them using my faber castell pencil colours, which I haven't been using much these days. But now that I have a sketchbook, I feel like drawing anything and everything around me. I don't feel any restriction. Feels great. I've found somewhere to use my colour pencils again.


And here's a girl wearing a Saree I drew, since this cool artist at GRAFA Tinysabya, was asking me to draw someone more Bangali. So here it goes:

I haven't drawn a lady in a Saree in over two whole years now. So I had to rub the entire thing thrice before I got this pic.Lucky for me the paper in my sketchbook is thick and didn't crumple when I was rubbing. If it was A4 printer paper, I would have to start in a new paper. Also, my mum thinks that maybe there should be more designs here, but I think I like her simple style.
I think I'll try and colour her tonight or tomorrow, whenever I'm not feeling lazy.

Okay that's all for now.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New drawing

I drew this picture at school. I sketched it quickly and then I liked it enough to line it with my pilot V5 gel pen and then I detailed and smooothened it using my pilot rexgrip ball point pen, and a 0.28 uniball pen from my friend. I like how it turned out and I guess, her legs do look kinda thin, but hey atleast I drew something!

Also, I signed up for A-level Art and Design, just outta curiosity. I'll prolly drop it later on, kinda boring to do art for homework, aint it. Let's see let's see, I'm curious to see what our school management cooks up. Because last year I signed up too, but no teacher was assigned and no classes took place. Let's see this time. :)

Aaand, I got 3ds Max 2010 today and well installed it just over an hour ago, and it seems pretty interesting, only I need to get used to it. I'm a complete noob at 3d, yes inspite of myself, I have to admit it, and well I gotta practice and get better at it. This is a new ground.

Anyway, mechanics test today was wacky, yeah, but I'll practice that too and get wayy better!! But pure maths was kinda easy and fun. Only I couldn't answer a question worth 4 that's that. I'll learn how to do it sometime. I'll nag my teacher about it, till he shows me how to do it.

Okay, enough for now. Toodles

p.s- I'm colouring the picture right now, hope it works out.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Computer upgrade!

I got 4 gigs of RAM as I said in a previous post aaand a new Nvidia GeForce 9600GT!!
Its soo much fun playing games now and my computer's faster, so it works. My computer got back last Friday, but well didn't have inter net for a while and after my connection was fixed I got too lazy. It's my chemistry class test tomorrow..woo.. I gotta finish studying it.

Here's an wip of a picture that I started long ago, but abandoned, but took it up a few weeks ago and currently looks like this:
Here's something I did just now as I was writing this blog entry. Painter X rule's my world just like Painter IX used to do two years back. Aaand, I've started reading heidi again and its inspiring me and I'm getting my flow back again:DI loove heidi.

Okay I gotta study chemistry.