I drew this picture at school. I sketched it quickly and then I liked it enough to line it with my pilot V5 gel pen and then I detailed and smooothened it using my pilot rexgrip ball point pen, and a 0.28 uniball pen from my friend. I like how it turned out and I guess, her legs do look kinda thin, but hey atleast I drew something!
Also, I signed up for A-level Art and Design, just outta curiosity. I'll prolly drop it later on, kinda boring to do art for homework, aint it. Let's see let's see, I'm curious to see what our school management cooks up. Because last year I signed up too, but no teacher was assigned and no classes took place. Let's see this time. :)
Aaand, I got 3ds Max 2010 today and well installed it just over an hour ago, and it seems pretty interesting, only I need to get used to it. I'm a complete noob at 3d, yes inspite of myself, I have to admit it, and well I gotta practice and get better at it. This is a new ground.
Anyway, mechanics test today was wacky, yeah, but I'll practice that too and get wayy better!! But pure maths was kinda easy and fun. Only I couldn't answer a question worth 4 marks...so that's that. I'll learn how to do it sometime. I'll nag my teacher about it, till he shows me how to do it.
Okay, enough for now. Toodles
p.s- I'm colouring the picture right now, hope it works out.