I really should draw more often...and I shouldn't be afraid of them turning out bad...it's like a really lame vicious cycle...I have an idea or an urge to draw and then I try drawing something...it doesn't turn out nice..or not like how I wanted it to be...and I end up feeling lame. And then I don't feel like drawing much even tho I really want to draw....okay that makes no sense what so ever but see that's the paradox....I want to draw and yet this stupid thought that they might not turn out to my liking kinda kills my mood most of the times...So I'm going to let go of this stupid fear/worry/thought whatever you call it and just have fun drawing.....A crappy picture is better than no picture at all right? And the more I'll draw, the more better I'll get. Of course that's not to say if I keep drawing the same old girls all the flippin time I'll get any better at drawing other stuff...I want to get better at drawing in general so I can draw anything I want to draw any way I want to draw....not be restricted to drawing the same ol thing over and over again. That's not what I strive for. And there are all these things I want to get better at....animation, cg(2D and 3D both), writing, programming, playin my guitar..etc etc a whole lot of other things...sure I can't be a master of em all, and I don't have to be. I love em and that is why I want to keep doing them always. I can't get better in any of them unless I stop being a lazy arse slacker of a kid....there are all these people who believe in me...and want me to be the best that I can be...I can't express in words how thankful I am to have such incredible people in my life......I'm sorry for bein such a lamo kid.... But yeah so from now I'll draw as much as I can, whenever I can....and practice animation and modeling/rendering at a regular basis....(well sculptin until my Maya at home starts workin :c) And most importantly have fun with em! Isn't that how it all started? Because they're all something I loved and enjoy playing around with? So yeah...I miss that...a whole effin lot...at the end of the day if I end up not doin any of these, I'm the one who's sadder....So yeah, time ta break free of all worries and negativities and let go...and keep moving forwards towards my own path and do my very best! Can't lose sight of my dreams and things I love....geez I'm such a dumbass at times..but yeah it's time to be me again. And keep moving forwards and not stand still no more :I Huzzah! I'll do my very best and make ya guys proud!
Mony teh kid over and out
Ciao fer now
Mony teh kid over and out
Ciao fer now