Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mock 2 almost over...but not quite

[This was actually being written on the 30th, but due to a power failure I had to rewrite it after I got home from school on the 31st and so it was actually posted on the 31st]
So yeah, tomorrow I have computing exam and then hopefully I can finally relax a bit and think properly about my art coursework. These power cuts have left me so uninspired...I mean I dunno...I feel drained and I don't feel like doing much. But I have to finish my art coursework now, and lol, I made a Goodreads account now XD

I'm liking that website, I love BOOKS XD

Aaand, I got a new haircut today!
Pichhars coming soon.


I've been writing this post last night when the power failed =_= and since I was scanning my sketches then, all of them went down the drain and I only managed to scan one today. Here it be:

Mechanical pencil on sketchbook.

Kay, that's about it for now..

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