I want to be able to paint all the things I see in my minds eyes, things that I feel and things that inspire me...I want to paint the stories I want to tell....I want to paint the world around me, the I way I see it...
I just want to paint...
What does it really matter? I just wanna paint right? And that's it. So I shouldn't worry about whether it turns out good or whether it ends up looking to animu or sth. Yeah the influence is there, but I'm trying to bring out my other influences more too...I know if I keep drawing more and more, and study and practice more I'll get to a point where I'll be very flexible with drawing and even if I draw without thinking much, it won't turn out looking animu. It'll be some of my own...an amalgamation of all my influences and inspirations...
But I can't expect that to happen in a day. And if I stop painting for fear it'll ending looking bad or in the wrong style, then clearly I'm doing something wrong here. Isn't the idea to draw and paint as much as I want to?
The last two weeks has been a bit difficult for me, because aside from doing studies, I want to paint a lot of random doodles and personal paintings...but it's been tough for me to open PS and try approach a painting because of that fear....but the other day I managed to tell myself I don't care how bad it turns out, I want to paint and learn from it! If I don't try..how do I even expect to improve? So I started painting again..it's a bit slow and even yesterday when I was trying to do a random painting at work I had that apprehensive feeling again, but I didn't pay much attention to it and painted something. And it turned out OK, but more importantly I learned from it....
So yeah, since I love to paint....I shouldn't worry about how it turns out. I enjoy the process right? I enjoy the act of painting itself. I shouldn't dwell too much on a single painting...so it ruins my mood and prevents me from painting and doing my usual stuff like coming up with stories and so on...If a painting/writing/anything I make turns out lame, then I should just move on and make more better stuff...and learn from my previous works.
SO! I'll be painting and drawing as much as I can....not sure if I'll be posting whatever I paint, but it's okay. I'll post things that I feel like posting and have fun with drawing painting and all the things I enjoy doing instead of feeling worried about how it should turn out. And ofcourse be myself. And since I'm trying to find myself in my art, it's important I be true to myself when I paint.
Guess it's the start of yet another new journey, this time to find myself in my art. Lots of experimentation, studies and practicin to do...but hey I'll do me best and enjoy the journey and learn from it as much as I can..
Peace out,