Friday, May 3, 2013

What I ish upto....

Hmm it's been a while since I last updated...things have been busy at work and I didn't even have internet at home for nearly a didn't get around to updating earlier. Anyway,

 so right now I'm focusing on completing my animated short project from last year. I even made a development blog for it: I dunno why I chose tumblr in the first place, but now I kinda wish I'd made a blogspot one. For some reason it feels a bit more awkward to write a lotta stuff there he he. Anyway, so since I'm such a HYPER noobie at animation...I started learning animation basics for reals this time! I mean I know I started a few times but it never got very far because of my laziness and shit...but there ya go, this time I'm real serious about this. And while studyin animation, I realised how much I love it! So I kinda decided to specialise in animation. It's taken me a while to come to a decision regarding what I'd like to specialise in. I never wanted to be an illustrator in the first place. I've always loved animation, and always wanted to keep making animated films and stuff no matter what I now that I've decided to specialise in it, I just gotta work my ass off and get awesome at animayshannn...wooo.

Some people suggested or assumed that I should probably go for illustration or something...though no one enforced it on me. But I never wanted to let go of animation....and I never really liked the idea of having to illustrate stuff for a living...since I like drawing for myself and like the freedom that allows me. I can draw whatever I like..and it can be really relaxing getting lost in a painting and stuff... I do like concept art a lot tho, especially environments, characters and coming up with interesting looks. Being someone who loves pretty much all aspects of CG a lot, my quest for learning will never really end I guess....It's a never ending journey. And I think that's something that will always keep me moving onwards. There's just SO much to learn..and I have all these stories to tell and all these images in my head that I want to transfer to paper/screen...So I'll always have to keep improving, so as to be able to draw/animate stuff the way I see them in my mind. That's okay I guess XD I wouldn't have it any other way : )

So right now my first and pretty much ONLY priority in my free time, is my short. Well my big bro suggested I give myself an incentive and target the SIGGRAPH Asia computer animation festival. Being the noobie that I am, not a very high chance of my animated short making it there. But hey like my brother says it's worth a shot eh? Besides if you put your heart into in and do your very best, you never know! So I gotta give it my best shot and complete it before the end of June if I want it to be done in time for submitting it to SIGGRAPH Asia...

I need to make better use of my time. I have this really weird schedule, but it's what seems to be working for me. I mean during the week I stay at work from like 12 to 8pm, and then by the time I return home I'm usually very tired. And things are kinda chaotic during the day at it's difficult to focus on stuff. Especially when you share a room with your little brother who doesn't study properly and gets busted all the time for there's all this yelling and stuff going on..and then there's the tv right next to my room....I dunno why my room keeps being right next to the tv these big time. But so what I mean is I just don't feel like working on anything around this time, I'm not even supposed to play music or anything loud since it might disturb my little brother. It is a fair enough argument...but times like this I kinda wish I had my own room and I work in peace over there. Not gonna happen anytime soon tho....aah wishful thinking. Need to get headphones! :I Plus every now and then I'll have to keep getting busted about not going to university yet and all sortsa other stuff.....Not the best environment to work. So I go to sleep early, so I can wake up in the middle of the night, when everyone's asleep and it's quite and I can  focus on my own stuff. It's only a few hours and often I end up waking later than I wanted to....but atleast it gives me some time to work on my stuff. So until dinner I play games or browse around..and then after dinner I sleep. What's a kid to do eh? So basically I get like 6hours max a day to work on personal stuff. That's not so bad is it? I just gotta make good use of it.

Aaanyway, I'm supposed to finish my storyboard and animatic by this Sunday, but I haven't even started on the final storyboards yet...ahh running behind schedule! Thing is I'm having to work on my animation practice on the side so the whole short doesn't have super lame animation....XD Ahhh but this is a fight worth fighting for! I gotta make I don't die inside and turn into a....headcrab zombie! 8D Jk...but you get me. Hah like anyone's readin this not the intention anyway. So where was yeah I've been wanting to make my own animated films for so's like every year I seem to come up with these story ideas to work on and the more the don't work on them the more lamer I keep feeling. It' came to such a point that I was dying inside a little I had to start working on this. IT HAS BECOME A MATTER OF LIEF AND DEATH


But srsly



And it's good to have a specific focus to work on. So yeah animation FTW! Now all I gotta do is learn to draw and animate shit for reals....and that my friend will be a piece'o cake.

I'm kiddin.
As they say the cake is a lie. Did I mention I started playing Portal and it's awesome sauce? Yeah yeah I'm behind on time but who cares!

Anyway so that was my update and rant and stuff..
I'll have so get all the distracting things done as soon as I can and focus on my animation. 2 MONTHS PEOPLE 2 MONTHS

Okke I'm out

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